第二星期的TRAINING, 個人好明顯開始頹廢, 哈哈!
每朝上堂實在眼訓到盡頭, 好似就黎SHOCK咁!!
星期一下午去SLIDING, 哈哈, 期待以久
其實都幾高, 要JUMP and slide都幾恐怖
其實都幾高, 要JUMP and slide都幾恐怖
星期二下午去左Dragonair house wet ditching
不過要rescue住一個人游真係好累, 哈~~
抓上slideraft, 好彩有學過攀石, 所以識得用力!
不過要rescue住一個人游真係好累, 哈~~
抓上slideraft, 好彩有學過攀石, 所以識得用力!
今日終於拎了員工證, 馬上有了歸屬感!
Proud to be one of the member of the best team in the world! ;)
(Although we did nothing for the company to win this prize lol)
(Although we did nothing for the company to win this prize lol)
Being fa, is it necessary to know how to swim?@@